Follow along as we build and iterate Clear Street Studio.
Release 0.3.0
October, 2023
Initial Portfolio Management System
Our Portfolio Management System (PMS) will provide historical performance analytics and attribution.

Historical Performance Analytics
Gain deep insights into the historical performance of your investments. Our PMS offers detailed data analysis and reporting, allowing you to track how your portfolio has evolved over time. This historical perspective is invaluable for making future investment decisions.
Attribution Analysis
With our PMS, you can perform attribution analysis to dissect the sources of your portfolio's performance. Understand which factors, be it asset allocation, security selection, or market timing, have contributed to your returns. This level of granularity enables you to fine-tune your investment strategy for maximum results.
Improvements and Fixes
Release 0.2.0
September, 2023
Initial Execution Management System
Our Execution Management System (EMS) initial release will allow customers to manage their risk by being able to send orders directly through Clear Street Studio.

Release 0.1.0
July, 2023
Initial Risk Management System
Risk Management System (RMS) initial release. Customers have access to real-time positions, PnL, and other metrics, which will also be available via APIs.